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Your search results are listed below for EL84
- NameManufacturer CommentStockPrice PhotoOrder
- EL84-BRIMAR UK MADE 1967BrimarMatched Pairs Only
The Brimar EL84 became a formidable opposition to the famous Mullard EL84 for military ...In stock£65.00Buy Now
- EL84-ELECTRO HARMONIXElectro HarmonixThe Electro Harmonix EL84 provides excellent performance in both audio and guitar applications. The valve has been ...In stock£21.00
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- EL84-GENERAL ELECTRIC SINGLEGeneral ElectricSingles Only
The General Electric EL84 6BQ5 is one of the best American EL84 ever produced. General Electric ...Sold Out£42.00Buy Now
- EL84-HARMA RETROHarma ValvesThe Harma EL84 Retro is a recreation of the famous Mullard EL84 and follows the original design and electrical ...In stock£26.00
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- EL84-JJ TESLAJJ TeslaThe JJ EL84 takes its design features from the old Philips valves that were made in Holland. Considering that Philips ...In stock£18.50
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- EL84-SOVTEKSovtekSpecial Offer 15% Discount Limited Stock
The Sovtek EL84 has been the industry standard go to EL84 for over 25 ...In stock£24.00
£20.40Buy Now
- EL84-SOVTEK AKA MESA EL84 MESA SELECT TYPE 1Mesa Boogie Replacement ValvesMesa Select For Mesa Boogie Only
The Mesa EL84 is the Sovtek EL84 which Mesa have sourced from the ...In stock£22.00Buy Now
- EL84-TUNG SOL RITung-Sol RIThe Tung-Sol EL84/6BQ5 was a popular OEM tube for American-made EL84/6BQ5 guitar amplifiers in the late 1950 early ...In stock£26.00
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- EL84-TUNG SOL RI SINGLETung-Sol RISingles Valve
The Tung-Sol EL84/6BQ5 was a popular OEM tube for American-made EL84/6BQ5 guitar amplifiers in the ...In stock£26.00Buy Now
- EL84-TUNGSRAMTungsramOriginal Tungsram EL84 made in Hungary are simply one of the best NOS EL84 available.These valves have the grey ...In stock£45.00
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- EL84-TUNGSRAM 1970 MILITARY SNTungsramMatched Pairs Only
Original Early Tungsram EL84 made in Hungary and supplied to the Hungarian Military. These ...In stock£40.00Buy Now
- EL84-TUNGSRAM 1970 MILITARY SN SINGLETungsramSingle item
Original Early Tungsram EL84 made in Hungary and supplied to the Hungarian Military. These rare ...In stock£40.00Buy Now
- EL84-TUNGSRAM SINGLETungsramSingle Item
Original Tungsram EL84 made in Hungary they have the grey Tungsram rounded anode with the two ...In stock£45.00Buy Now
- EL84/ E84L-HARMA BURST TESTEDHarma ValvesThe Harma E84L Burst Tested on the tester designed for Brian May
The Harma E84L is a high quality special ...In stock£30.00Buy Now
- EL84R-GROOVE TUBES SUPER PREMIUMGroove TubesEL84R Groove tube Is the standard valve that is used by Fender in many of its amplifiers such as the Fender Pro and ...In stock£26.00
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- Fender Retaining Bracket for EL84 Fender Amplifier SparesGenuine Fender valve retainer bracket for EL84 Valves in Fender Blues Junior and Pro Junior. We include correct Fender ...In stock£15.00
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- EL84-JJ TESLA CRYOJJ Tesla Cryo The JJ Tesla EL84 Cryo is the best sounding version of JJ EL84 valve available today.The Cryo treatment enhances the ...In stock£30.00
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- EL84/ 6P14P EP-REFLECTOR SUPER 10K CRYO SINGLEReflector Russia CryoSingles Only
The 6P14P-EP is the original Reflector made 10,000 hour super EL84 that was originally designed for ...In stock£32.00Buy Now
- EL84/ E84L-HARMA CRYO BURST TESTEDHarma Cryo The Harma E84L Burst Tested on the tester designed for Brian May
This valve is the specially treated cryogenic ...In stock£40.00Buy Now
- Marshall Class 5 Harma EL84 Retro Celestion Vintage 10 KitMarshall Amp KitsThe Marshall Class 5 Classic upgrade kit fitted with a Celestion vintage 10 provides a tight driving rock sound with ...In stock£148.92
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Mainland Delivery - Orange AD5 Harma EL84 Retro Celestion Vintage 10 KitOrange Amplfier KitsSpecial Offer 10% Discount
The Orange AD 5 Classic upgrade kit fitted with a Celestion vintage 10 is designed to ...In stock£123.92
£111.53Buy Now
Mainland Delivery - Marshall Class 5 Harma EL84 Retro Celestion G10 Greenback KitMarshall Amp KitsThe Marshall Class 5 Classic upgrade kit fitted with a Celestion 10 inch greenback is designed to provide the ideal ...Sold Out£158.50
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- Orange AD5 Harma EL84 Retro Celestion G10 Greenback KitOrange Amplfier KitsSpecial Offer 10% Discount
The Orange AD5 Classic upgrade kit fitted with a Celestion 10 inch greenback is ...Sold Out£133.50Buy Now
- Peavey Classic 20 Harma Classic EL84 Retro Celestion G10 Green KitPeavey Amplifier Kits Special Offer 10% Discount
The Peavey Classic 20 Retro upgrade kit fitted with the Celestion G10 Green back ...Sold Out£187.50Buy Now
- Vox AC15 CC1 2004-2009 Celestion Blue 15 ohm Harma EL84 Retro Full Upgrade KitVox Valve & Speaker UpgradesSpecial Offer 10% Discount
Vox AC15 Custom Classic Series Harma Retro full upgrade kit covers the A15 CC1 made ...In stock£309.17
£278.25Buy Now