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Psvane Audio is a brand name owned by a private group of audiophiles that manufacture valves in China. Members of this private group worked for Shuguang and they were the key R&D personnel for the hugely popular black bottle Shuguang Treasure series.
Psvane aim is to be a premier Audio brand and the valves are made to extremely high standards. Watford Valves then screen, test and match them ourselves from factory matched items with each valve having it own test certificate. This insures that you'll receive only the best quality item
Psvane 211 Classic Series is a directly heated audio power triode for High end Audio amplifier applications. Psvane have crafted an excellent sounding 211 with superb attention to detail and this range is intend to set new standards for sound quality and reliability offering an excellent price pointPsvane aim is to be a premier Audio brand and the valves are made to extremely high standards. Watford Valves then screen, test and match them ourselves from factory matched items with each valve having it own test certificate. This insures that you'll receive only the best quality item
The 211 Classic feature direct heated thorium tungsten cathodes and is a proper 211 that can handle high plate voltages of up to 1250 volts.
The Psvane Classic series 211 features solid halo side getters, Gold coated and Gold coated brass base which improves shielding to interference.
The 211 are assembled by the highest grade technicians who are highly experienced in manufacture of the 211 valves. All parts are sourced from the highest quality suppliers and once the 211 is assembled each valve then undergoes factory testing and selection. The same process as they use on their most expensive valves.
The Psvane Factory Selected 211 then undergoes our In house testing and matching.
At Watford Valves each Psvane 211 that you purchase from us is then specially selected from Factory matched items and individually tested by us for conformity. Once they pass these multi tests they are then dual matched by us on anode current and g/M. Each Psvane 211 comes with its own individual serial number and test certificate. This insures that you will receive only the best quality Psvane 211 for you audio enjoyment.
These are available in matched pairs only and are priced individually
Items come is specially selected by Watford Valves with test certificate in matched pairs
Way Huge WM22 Smalls Green Rhino Overdrive MK5
The original Green Rhino became a real pedal classic and was in inspired by the Ibanez Tube Screamer. The tone shaping ...
£132.50£125.00 -
Original JAN specification 5R4GA made in the USA by Philips to the highest military specification. This valve is ...
£18.00£14.40 -
The Novosibirsk 6H6pi-N is a genuine Soviet design valve that has been used by many audio companies in the driver ...
£15.00£12.00 -
Special Offer
Specially selected and cryogenically treated premium quality Marshall EL34B valves that have all ...
£34.00£30.60 - Marshall Handwired S£
218.00£185.30 - Cornford MK50 Mark 2£
176.00£149.60 - Peavey 3120 STR Mars£