Products > Valves


Watford holds a large and comprehensive inventory of high quality new old stock and current production valves for the professional music and audio industry. All items that we stock must meet our stringent standards for sound quality and reliability. Being musicians and users of valve amplifiers all valves are assessed in real working conditions as to their actual sound. This allows us to advise you of the right valve for your amplifier and your sound. Our in house testing procedure ensures that you get the right quality first time.

We hold high quality new old stock valves made by the great factories of the past. We stock original valves from the great European factories such as Mullard, Philips, RFT, Telefunken, Tesla, Tungsram and Valvo. We also stock original valves from the major American factories such as General Electric, Philips ECG, RCA, Sylvania as well as modern brands such as Electro Harmonix, Genalex-Gold Lion Groove Tubes, JJ Electronic (formally Tesla), Sovtek, Tube Amp Doctor and Tung-Sol.
We also stock the Harma Diamond range of valves which the only burst test range of valves in the world and offer the Musician outstanding sound quality and reliability

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  • NameBrandCommentStockPrice PhotoOrder
  • 12AL5-WESTINGHOUSE Westinghouse ElectricOriginal USA made Westinghouse 12AL5 dual diode which has some very nice characteristics and small compact size for use ...In stock£15.00Buy Now
  • 12BH7A-ELECTRO HARMONIXElectro HarmonixThe Electro Harmonix 12BH7A is designed to be a direct replacement for American made 12BH7 and 12BH7A in used audio or ...In stock£26.00Buy Now
  • 12BH7A-ELECTRO HARMONIX BALANCEDElectro HarmonixSpecial Matched Pairs

    The Electro Harmonix 12BH7A is designed to be a direct replacement for American made ...
    In stock£32.00Buy Now
  • 12BH7A-HARMA RETROHarma ValvesThe Harma 12BH7A Retro design is based on the original USA made General Electric 12BH7A. It has a number of features ...In stock£38.00Buy Now
  • 12BH7A-JJ TESLAJJ TeslaJJ 12BH7A is a double triode that is found in studio equipment, high end audio and original Ampeg SVT amplifiers. The ...In stock£24.00
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  • 12DQ6B/ 12GW6-SYLVANIASylvaniaThe 12GW6 is a radio ham tube that has now become very difficult to find.These are new in the original box ,USA made ...In stock£15.00Buy Now
  • 12DW7/ 7247-GENERAL ELECTRICGeneral ElectricThe 7247 is a premium industrial specification 12DW7 valve. This USA made original General Electric valve is the first ...In stock£60.00Buy Now
  • 12DW7/ 7247-HARMA STRHarma ValvesThe Harma 12DW7 STR is based on the American dual plate design that was popular in the late 1960’s. It has been ...In stock£26.00Buy Now
  • 12DW7/ ECC832-JJ TESLAJJ Tesla12DW7

    The JJ ECC832 which is JJ number for the12DW7 & 7247 valve.This valve is mainly found in vintage American ...
    In stock£23.00Buy Now
  • 12E1/ CV345-STCSTCThe 12E1 is a power output valve for use as a series pass valve in stabilised power supplies. The CV345 is the military ...In stock£15.00Buy Now
  • 12HG7/ 12GN7-GENERAL ELECTRICGeneral Electric12HG7 12GN7 made by General Electric in the USA. The maximum dissipation of the anode is 10 Watts with a maximum anode ...In stock£7.50Buy Now
  • 12JB6A-RCARCA Original RCA 12JB6A usa made valve that is used as a high efficiency RF Linear Amplifier in Radio Transmitters and ...In stock£35.00Buy Now
  • 150B3/ CV287-E.E.VEEV The CV287 is a miniature voltage stabiliser and its direct commercial equivalent is the 150B3, QS150/15,150B3,150A2 ...In stock£6.00Buy Now
  • 1R5/ DK91-STANDARDStandard BrandThe DK91 is a miniature B7G dry battery heptode, it was designed for frequency changer use in battery portable radio ...In stock£5.00Buy Now
  • 1S5/ DAF91-RTCRadio Television ComponentsThe 1S5/DAF91 is a diode pentode valve was designed for battery portable radio receivers. This short grid base pentode ...In stock£5.00Buy Now
  • 1S5/ DAF91-STANDARDStandard BrandThe 1S5/DAF91 is a diode pentode valve was designed for battery portable radio receivers. This short grid base pentode ...In stock£5.00Buy Now
  • 2050A-GENERAL ELECTRICGeneral ElectricThese are original General Electric 2050A which is Thyratron valve which is commonly found in Seeburg and Wurlitzer ...In stock£26.00Buy Now
  • 2050W-RAYTHEON Raytheon2050W is a military long life version of the 2050AThyratron. All our stock is made by Raytheon but has its contact ...In stock£18.50Buy Now
  • 211-PSVANE CLASSIC SERIESPsvane AudioPsvane 211 Classic Series is a directly heated audio power triode for High end Audio amplifier applications. Psvane ...In stock£95.00
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  • 300B-JJ TESLAJJ TeslaMatched pairs

    The JJ 300B has established itself as one of the best 300B types for audio applications.The JJ ...
    In stock£124.00Buy Now
  • 41-HYTRONHytronType 41 HYTRON is a high gain audio output pentode that is electrically identical to the type 6K6GT but uses the six ...In stock£20.00
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  • 41-RAYTHEONRaytheonType 41 Raytheon is a high gain audio output pentode that is electrically identical to the type 6K6GT but uses the six ...In stock£25.00
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  • 41-RCARCA Type 41 RCA is a high gain audio output pentode that is electrically identical to the type 6K6GT but uses the six pin ...In stock£25.00
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  • 41-SYLVANIASylvaniaType 41 Sylvania is a high gain audio output pentode that is electrically identical to the type 6K6GT but uses the six ...In stock£24.00
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  • 5639/ CV2662-RAYTHEONRaytheonRaytheon 5639 is a military sub miniature USA made a special quality pentode.These are similar and a replacement for ...In stock£4.00Buy Now
Total : 646 | Page 1 of 26
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