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Your search results are listed below for ECC88
- NameManufacturer CommentStockPrice PhotoOrder
- 6922/ 6H23N EB-REFLECTOR MATCHED PAIRReflector RussiaSpecial Matched Pairs
This is a special balanced version with matched triode sections available in matched ...In stock£75.00Buy Now
- 6922/ E88CC-ELECTRO HARMONIX GOLD Electro Harmonix GoldThe Electro Harmonix 6922 Gold Pin is the classic Russian made 6922 with gold plated pins. This version has become very ...In stock£35.00
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- 6N1P VI-HARMAHarma ValvesSpecial Offer very low stock
The Harma 6N1P VI is a special long life, low noise selected version of the 6N1P. ...In stock£22.00
£14.00Buy Now
- 6N1P VI-HARMA MATCHED PAIRHarma ValvesSpecial Matched Pairs
This is a special balanced version with matched triode sections available in matched ...In stock£18.00Buy Now
- E88CC/ 6922-JJ TESLAJJ TeslaThe JJ Tesla E88CC 6922 is a modern made valve which is an ideal replacement for ECC88, 6922, 6DJ8 & 7308. The valve ...In stock£18.00
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- E88CC/ 6922-JJ TESLA GOLD PINJJ TeslaThis JJ E88CC 6922 Gold Pin is a selected version of the standard E88CC with gold pins and is an ideal replacement for ...In stock£25.00
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- E88CC/ 6922-JJ TESLA GOLD PIN MATCHED PAIRJJ TeslaSpecial Matched Pairs
This JJ E88CC 6922 Gold Pin balanced is a specially selected and balanced version of the ...In stock£32.00Buy Now
- ECC88-PHILIPSPhilipsPhilips ECC88 has same clarity and speed of the famous Mullard ECC88 & E88CC as it is really is the same valve. It also ...In stock£22.00
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- ECC88-PHILIPS MATCHED PAIRPhilipsSpecial Matched Pairs
This is a special balanced version with matched triode sections available in matched ...In stock£30.00Buy Now
Philips PCC88 has the same midrange warmth and dynamics that has made the Mullard ECC88 & E88CC ...In stock£24.00Buy Now
Matched Pair
Philips PCC88 has the same midrange warmth and dynamics that has made the ...In stock£32.00Buy Now
- PCC88/ 7DJ8-NATIONAL MATSUSHITANationalOriginal National PCC88 made by the Matsushita Corporation of Japan.These have had rave reviews all over the Audio ...In stock£22.00
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Original National PCC88 made by the Matsushita Corporation of Japan.These have had rave reviews all ...In stock£30.00Buy Now
- 6922/ E88CC-HARMA CRYO MATCHED PAIRHarma Cryo Special Matched Pairs
This is a special balanced version with matched triode sections available in matched ...In stock£85.00Buy Now
- 6N1P VI-HARMA CRYOHarma Cryo The Harma 6N1P VI Cryo is a cryogenically treated special long life, low noise selected version of the 6N1P. The valve ...In stock£22.00
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- 6N1P VI-HARMA CRYO MATCHED PAIRHarma Cryo Special Matched Pairs
This is a special balanced version with matched triode sections available in matched ...In stock£26.00Buy Now
- Avalon VT737 SP Valve Class A Voice Channel ECC88 Philips KitAvalon Designs Full Revale KitsPhilips ECC88 has same clarity and speed of the famous Mullard ECC88 & E88CC. It has the same midrange warmth and ...In stock£120.00
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- Avalon VT747 SP Valve Stereo Opto Compressor ECC88 Philips KitAvalon Designs Full Revale KitsPhilips ECC88 has same clarity and speed of the famous Mullard ECC88 & E88CC. It has the same midrange warmth and ...In stock£90.00
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- Schiit Lyr 2 Headphone Amplifier Philips ECC88 Upgrade KitSchiit Audio AmplifiersWe use the Philips ECC88 due to its exception sound quality in this upgrade kit.Sound wise; this valve has it all, ...In stock£44.00
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- Schiit Lyr 2 Headphone Amplifier Philips ECC88 6BQ7A Deluxe Upgrade KitSchiit Audio AmplifiersWe use the Philips ECC88 due to its exception sound quality in this upgrade kit.Sound wise; this valve has it all, ...In stock£92.00
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- Schiit Mjolnir 2 Headphone Amplifier Philips ECC88 Upgrade KitSchiit Audio AmplifiersWe use the Philips ECC88 due to its exception sound quality in this upgrade kit.Sound wise; this valve has it all, ...In stock£44.00
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- Schiit Mjolnir 2 Headphone Amplifier Philips ECC88 6BQ7A Deluxe Upgrade KitSchiit Audio AmplifiersWe use the Philips ECC88 due to its exception sound quality in this upgrade kit.Sound wise; this valve has it all, ...In stock£92.00
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- Schiit Vali 2 Headphone Amplifier Philips ECC88 Upgrade KitSchiit Audio AmplifiersWe use the Philips ECC88 due to its exception sound quality in this upgrade kitSound wise; this valve has it all, speed ...In stock£22.00
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- Rode K2 Valve Studio Condenser Microphone ECC88 Philips KitRode Valve MicrophonesPhilips ECC88 is our most popular replacement for the 6922 valve in studio microphones.The reason is simple as the ...In stock£30.00
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- Rode NTK Valve Studio Microphone ECC88 Philips KitRode Valve MicrophonesPhilips ECC88 is our most popular replacement for the 6922 valve in studio microphones.The reason is simple as the ...In stock£30.00
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