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Your search results are listed below for EZ81
- NameManufacturer CommentStockPrice PhotoOrder
- EZ81-TESLATeslaOriginal Tesla EZ81 Rectifier is a very high quality rectifier valve item with long life expectancy. The valve features ...In stock£20.00Buy Now
- EZ81/ 6CA4-AMPEREXAmperex Amperex EZ81 is very high quality full wave rectifier, giving 150 mA and with a long life expectancy. This is arguably ...In stock£45.00Buy Now
- EZ81/ 6CA4-HARMA RETROHarma ValvesThe Harma EZ81 Retro is based on the European design used by Mullard and Philips in the 1960s for military ...In stock£22.00Buy Now
- EZ81/ 6CA4-JJ TESLAJJ TeslaJJ EZ81 design is based on the original Czech Tesla EZ81 from the mid 1970 period.The reason for this was that the ...In stock£16.00Buy Now
- EZ81/ CV5072-BRIMARBrimarOriginal Brimar EZ81 Rectifier made to military CV5072 specification. This is a very high quality rectifier valve with ...In stock£20.00Buy Now
- EZ81/ 6CA4-HARMA RETRO CRYOHarma Cryo Special Offer 10% Discount
The Harma EZ81 Retro is based on the European design used by Mullard and Philips in ...In stock£30.00
£27.00Buy Now