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Your search results are listed below for GZ34
- NameManufacturer CommentStockPrice PhotoOrder
- GZ34-JJ AKA MESA GZ34 MESA SELECT TYPE 3Mesa Boogie Replacement ValvesThe Mesa 5AR4/GZ34 Type 3 is the JJ GZ34S which Mesa sourced in recent years from the JJ factory in Slovakia. This ...In stock£30.00
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- GZ34-JJ TESLAJJ TeslaJJ GZ34 design is based on the early Mullard GZ34 that has the lager plate construction with straight edge plates.The ...In stock£
£22.50Buy Now
- GZ34/ 5AR4-GROOVE TUBES SUPER PREMIUMGroove TubesThe Groove tube GZ34/5AR4 is made in Russia and is an excellent choice for replacing GZ34 in Fender, Mesa Boogie and ...In stock£35.00
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- GZ34/ 5AR4-HARMA RETROHarma ValvesThe Harma GZ34 Retro design is based on Mullard's famous military GZ34/ CV1377.It uses Mullard's compact serrated ...In stock£38.00
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- GZ34/ 5AR4-SOVTEKSovtekThe Sovtek GZ34 5AR4 a very well made modern full wave rectifier. The valve uses thick grade glass and rugged military ...In stock£35.00
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- GZ34/ 5AR4-HARMA RETRO CRYOHarma Cryo This is a special cryogenically treated version that offers the highest performance.The Harma GZ34 Retro Cryo design is ...In stock£48.00
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- Fender Bassman 1959 Reissue 6L6GC GZ34 JJ Full Revalve KitFender Full Revalve KitsSpecial Offer 10% Discount
Offer Ends 31st May 2024
Our JJ revalve kits consist of a specially selected ...In stock£129.00
£116.10Buy Now
- Fender Bassman 1959 Reissue Harma STR Groove Tube 6L6GC GE GZ34 Full Upgrade Kit Fender Full Revalve KitsFender Bassman 1959 Reissue Harma STR GT 6L6 GC GE Full revalve kit is designed to give you the best balance of clean ...In stock£159.00
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- Fender Bassman 1959 Groove Tubes Super Premium ECC83S 6L6GC GE GZ34 Full Upgrade KitFender Full Revalve KitsFull Groove Tube Set
Special offer 10% Discount
The Fender Bassman 1959 Groove Super Premium ECC83S & ...In stock£183.00
£164.70Buy Now
- Fender Bassman 1959 Reissue Harma STR Philips WGB GZ34 Full Upgrade KitFender Full Revalve KitsSpecial Offer 10% Discount
The Fender Bassman 1959 Reissue Harma STR Philips Full revalve kit is designed to ...In stock£187.00
£168.30Buy Now
- Fender Bassman 1959 12AX7WA Vintage Harma 6L6GC Retro GZ34 Full Upgrade Kit CryoFender Cryo Full Revalve KitsGZ34 Option
Special Offer
This Harma 12AX7WA Vintage cryo preamp upgrade kit combined the Harma 6L6GC ...In stock£188.00
£166.00Buy Now
- Fender Bassman 1959 STR Groove Tube 6L6GC GE GZ34 Full Upgrade Kit CryoFender Cryo Full Revalve KitsGZ34 Option
Special Offer 10% Discount
Until now clear note definition, musical complexity and rich ...In stock£210.00
£189.00Buy Now
- GZ34-JJ TESLA Trade 5 piecesJJ TeslaThe JJ GZ34 Rectifier is used in many audio and guitar amplifier circuits and can be used to replace GZ34 & 5AR4. In ...In stock£
£112.50Buy Now
- GZ34/ 5AR4-SOVTEK Trade 5 piecesSovtekThe Sovtek GZ34 5AR4 a very well made modern full wave rectifier that is a directly heated rectifier. The valve uses ...In stock£
£166.25Buy Now