Products > Pedals > Earthquaker Devices Pedals

We stock a small range of high quality pedals. The pedals that we stock are chosen on the following criteria; they must have exceptional sound quality and reliability and also when needed, the company must provide excellent customer support. They also have to be pedal that I would be happy to own and use myself. All our stock regardless of which one you choose, are all amongst the best sounding pedals available.

EarthQuaker pedals are made in Akron, Ohio built by hand built, hand tested and no compromise units using only the highest quality components.

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  • Earthquaker Hoof V2 Hybrid Fuzz Pedal Earthquaker Devices PedalsThe Earthquaker Devices Hoof V2 fuzz pedal provides beautifully dirty organic vintage fuzz with a twist. The Hoof V2 ...Sold Out£179.17Buy Now
  • Earthquaker Plumes Overdrive PedalEarthquaker Devices PedalsI love Tubescreamers and I simply Love the Earthquaker Plumes Overdrive Pedal.The Plumes works superbly when going into ...In stock£99.17
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