Products > Valves > Pinnacle

Watford Valves have been using valve equipment since 1976 and has been selecting and supplying valve to the professional market for over 20 years. The term 'new old stock' refers to tubes or valves which are new but are from factories which have long closed down. These factories such as Mullard, G.E.C, Telefunken, Siemens, Philips, General Electric and R.C.A produced some of the best valves ever made which is why these items have become very sought after in the music industry. Watford Valves keeps a huge inventory of new old stock tubes valves as well as current production items. Therefore Watford Valves can offer one stop shopping to satisfy the most demanding of needs of the professional market, the collector or the enthusiast. All output tubes valves are priced individually. All prices contained on this web site are exclusive of VAT.

Pinnacle were valve distributor based in London who were the principle suppliers of most of the UK Radio and TV repair shops. They bought in huge bulk and as they were in competition with Mullard and Brimar they tended to buy valves from very good factories. Most tended come from Tungsram in Hungary, the Japanese Matsushita factory and Government sources across the world and they branded them Pinnacle. They stated that they offered the pick of the world’s best valve.They certainly did as these valves offer great value for money and all are from good NOS factories

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  • 6AT6/ EBC90-PINNACLEPinnacleThe 6AT6/6066 was used in many vintage audio and some vintage guitar amplifiers. It is an amplifier triode with double ...In stock£5.00Buy Now
  • 6X4/ EZ90-PINNACLEPinnacleThe Pinnacle 6X4 EZ90 is a miniature HT rectifier that has solid internal supports on all four plate corners and has ...In stock£11.00Buy Now
  • ECC91/ 6J6-PINNACLE PinnaclePinnacle ECC91/6J6 which is a double triode with a common cathode for use as an RF power amplifier or oscillator.In stock£3.50Buy Now
  • ECF80-PINNACLEPinnacleThe Pinnacle ECF80 valve was designed for the professional VHF communications market..It consists of a triode section ...In stock£7.50Buy Now
  • ECF80/ CV5215-PINNACLEPinnacleThe Pinnacle ECF80 CV5215 valve was designed for the professional VHF communications market..It consists of a triode ...In stock£7.00Buy Now
  • EF40-PINNACLEPinnacleEF40 Pinnacle branded but of mixed manufactures such as Mullard and Tungsram. Nice quality and have proved reliableIn stock£5.50Buy Now
  • EF91/ 6AM6-PINNACLEPinnacleThe EF91 is a high gain, high impedance, high slope, screened pentode that was used mainly in radio. In radio it was ...In stock£4.00Buy Now
  • EL822-PINNACLEPinnacleThe EL822 Pinnacle output pentode that was used in video amplification. This item is made by Mullard branded Pinnacle. ...In stock£12.00Buy Now
  • PCL85/ PCL805-PINNACLEPinnacle1 only

    The PCL85/805 triode pentode was designed as a domestic television receiver frame output valve. The ...
    In stock£9.00Buy Now
  • UCC85-PINNACLEPinnacleThe UCC85 is the universal supply version of the ECC85 VHF double triode, designed for RF amplifier and local ...In stock£7.50Buy Now
  • UCH81-PINNACLEPinnacleThe UCH81 is a triode oscillator and heptode mixer for use as a frequency changer in superhet receivers. Nice quality ...In stock£7.50Buy Now
  • UF89-PINNACLEPinnacleThe UF89 was a variable mì pentode designed for VHF applications in Band I and Band III televisions. Nice quality item ...In stock£9.00Buy Now
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