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Harma Deep Cryogenic treated valves offers improvements to the sonic character of the valves and results in sound characteristics only normally found in very expensive NOS valves such as Mullards. The process involves taking the vacuum tubes and freezing them down to -312 Fahrenheit and soaking these for a minimum of 12 hours. Then the temperature is held at this low level for 24 hours. The vacuum tubes are then slowly brought up to normal levels over the next 12 hours.

Metals respond very well to deep cryogenic process. The reasons are as follows, during the cooling or solidification phase of the manufacturing process, molecules are trapped in a haphazard pattern. This is down to stress caused in the bending and welding of the anode plate material. This random placement causes obstacles for electrons and when encountered this interference can cause noise, slow down electron flow and sound deterioration affecting the quality of the sound of the vacuum tube. .

At very cold temperatures (below -312 Fahrenheit), the molecules will align in a more uniform, compact structure through the removal of kinetic energy. When the material is returned to ambient temperature, this new uniform, compact pattern is maintained, Thus changing the structure of the nickel permanently. This process makes a permanent change and the benefits do not deteriorate over time or upon return to operating temperature, it changes the whole way the vacuum tube performs.

The biggest benefits I have found have been a dramatic improvement in the sound quality. The bass response has been clearer with reduction in microphonics and clear more transparent highs. Cryogenic treatment has now become a way for a modern valve to produce a sound quality that approaches the iconic originals.
Special Balanced item

This is a specially cryogenically treated version with balanced output from each triode section. These are for use in phono stages, Phase invertor or tube mics and can be bought in singles or as matched pairs.

The Harma 12AX7WA Vintage Cryo balanced has been designed around the medium length ribbed anode plate design of the Mullard ECC83 in the UK and General Electric 12AX7WA in America.

Specially designed by the factory to combine the two most vital elements of these classic valves sound. The famous Mullard mid band and the outstanding top end clarity of the General Electric.

Sonically, the Harma 12AX7WA Vintage has plenty of definition with a clear open top end chime whether played in clean or overdriven mode.

The factory enhanced midband replicates the vintage Mullard producing as warm and thick mid sound with excellent note the definition.

The master stroke is that the Harma 12AX7WA retains the sparkle and chime that is found in the great vintage American General Electric 12AX7WA. It has the GE style large soundstage and gives the clean channel that chiming top end sparkle without being brittle or hard.

This is a specially cryogenically treated version offers which offers improvements in top end detail giving better transparency and definition over the standard version. The mid band sees improvements in detail and warmth and the bass response become sharper and more musical. The other factor that guitarist find the major reason for choosing this valve is that it has more bite and has a smoother more harmonic distortion.

The combination of these features results in the valve not going thin and mushy especially if you use pedals to overdrive your amplifier.

This is also very noticeable on high gain amplifiers and gives improvements if you use a reverb or phase pedals. The valves top end definition allows them to sound lush not mush.

The valves has the warm harmonic detail plus the combination of two of the most import elements of classic new old stock valve sound in one valve makes this a real winner whatever your musical style. The Cryo version take this valve to a new level.

All Harma preamp valves are Dynamically Drive tested under real working condition have passed the following tests:

Gain (db) Drive Tested)
Transconductance (gm) Drive Tested
Output Drive Tested
Noise 1 (signal to noise)
Noise 2 (Aural)
Microphonics Test 1(Ambient)
Microphonic Test 2 (Shock)
Cathode Test
Grid Leakage Test



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