Engl Cryo Full Revalve Kits / Engl Retro Tube E765 100 STR Marshall EL34B Cryo Full Upgrade Kit

Engl Retro Tube E765 100 STR Marshall EL34B Cryo Full Upgrade Kit Engl Retro Tube E765 100 STR Marshall EL34B Cryo Full Upgrade Kit Click on image(s) above to view larger

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Until now clear note definition, musical complexity and rich harmonic content was only attainable by using rare and expensive new old stock classics.

Many guitarists have found the dramatic effect cryogenic treatment has on the way the valve performs not only in clean applications but also when overdriven. The cryogenic process removes the harshness from the valves tone and the imaging has more focus and bite. It has a warmer sound which is pleasing to listen to, providing a clear and crisp musical distortion. In short, many musicians, engineers and audiophiles have found that by using cryogenically treated valves it is a proven way of obtaining NOS sound quality with a great difference, an affordable price!

The Marshall EL34B & Harma ECC83 STR Cryo Full upgrade kit is designed to give a great rock sound with early break up and plenty of harmonic warmth and clarity at an unbelievably low price.

The Harma ECC83 STR Cryo has exceptional note clarify with improved definition on the clean tone and extra bite and rich harmonics when overdriven
The Marshall EL34B Cryo valves really have it all, in clean mode they have an improved clarity open harmonic top end which provides a smooth transparent and sparkling clean sound. The bass response is tightly focused and far more defined than the standard untreated valve.

When overdriven the valve has a nice crunchy early break up, the midrange is rich in harmonics with unrivalled clarity when fully overdriven. These provide the rich and complex midrange overtones with more clarity and punch. The treble response of the Marshall EL34B fatten up when more gain is added. This makes your guitars solo sound rounded and fat and cut through the mix without being sharp. It is no surprise that these valves sound superb, Marshall have the pick of the factories and of the EL34 production, these deliver the maximum of gain and dynamic response.

Nick Guppy, amp reviewer for the UK GUITARIST magazine wrote
Compared to NOS Telefunken, the Harma Cryo ECC83 offered an improvement in gain and high frequency response that noticeably enhanced this amp singing lead voice and lush clean sounds

The kit consists of

3 Specially Selected Harma ECC83 STR Cryo
1 Specially Selected & Balanced Harma ECC83 STR Cryo
4 Specially Selected Marshall EL34B Cryo in a matched Quad

Please note that this kit is for the valves only



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