Mesa Boogie Pre Amp Kits / Mesa Nomad 100 Harma STR Standard Gain Preamp Kit

Mesa Nomad 100 Harma STR Standard Gain Preamp Kit Mesa Nomad 100 Harma STR Standard Gain Preamp Kit Click on image(s) above to view larger

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This Harma ECC83 STR preamp revalve kit consists of a Standard gain set is designed to give your Mesa a tight clear well defined sound with a clean transparent top end and punchy lows.

The pre amplifier valves are specially selected for Mesa amplifiers for low microphonics and gain and the kit includes a balanced valve for the phase inverter position.

The Harma ECC83 STR is used as it has a number of advantages over other 12AX7 types such as reduced microphonics and better isolation from vibration. This is particularly useful in combo applications .The valve is very well balanced with nice even bass which has plenty of depth. The mid-range is clean and transparent which removes the mush and fizz that happens when Boogies are overdriven. When overdriven the valve produce a warm and fat sound, very rich in harmonics and which is extremely lively and expressive.

The kit consists of 5 valves

4 Specially Selected Harma ECC83 STR
1 Specially Selected & Balanced Harma ECC83 STR for V5

Please note that this kit is for the valves only

All Harma preamp valves are Dynamically Drive tested under real working condition have passed the following tests:

Gain (db) Drive Tested)
Transconductance (gm) Drive Tested
Output Drive Tested
Noise 1 (signal to noise)
Noise 2 (Aural)
Microphonics Test 1(Ambient)
Microphonic Test 2 (Shock)
Cathode Test
Grid Leakage Test



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