Relic Electric Company / EL34/EL34B-REC RELIC
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The Relic Electric Company valve range consists of high grade audiophile valves which have been designed on industry classics. The valves are sourced from the pick of the current production valves and also rare new old stock items. They include special quality manufactures production runs with the aim to offer Modern High Grade Audio Classics.
The range will include all the Classic audio valves and to ensure premium quality all the valves are all re tested at high plate volt settings and distributed by Watford Valves of England.
Special offer 10% DiscountThe range will include all the Classic audio valves and to ensure premium quality all the valves are all re tested at high plate volt settings and distributed by Watford Valves of England.
The EL34B Relic is a premium high quality audio grade EL34 that is based on the famous Mullard XF design. This valve has a number of high grade features which set this valve apart from other EL34 on the market.
The valve features a thick and fatter glass envelope with a welded anode plate to prevent microphonics and rattle. The anode plate uses a laminated alloy which helps heat transfer under overload conditions and cooling fins have been made oversized to aid cooling. The grids of the valves use gold grid wire and the grid rods are made from copper which is the best materials to use. The valve uses a solid disc style getter for better gas evacuation.
These valves are all specially burnt in and selected to the same current specifications and current range of the Original Mullard EL34. The valves then go through our burst testing process which involves a series of varying timed electrical signal bursts. This runs the valves under the same stress conditions that they will meet in your amplifier.
All out put valves are then dual matched by us on current and gain. This will ensure that you get the best selected EL34 available anywhere in the world.
In clean mode the valve displays very open and dynamic sound with excellent balance.
The bass response is tightly focused with rock solid bass note definition. The midrange is also very clear with plenty of extended range. The top end has a very musical sound which is very smooth and detailed.
It is when overdriven that the EL34B Relic shows it real strength as they retain an incredibly tight and focused bass response, not going flabby. The midrange is rich in harmonics with unrivalled clarity when fully overdriven. These provide the rich and complex midrange overtones that have made the original Mullard so sought after. The treble response of the EL34B Relic is clear and not overly bright and tends to fatten up when more gain is added. Which will make your guitars solo really cut through the mix.
The sound of this valve outperforms many other EL34 on the market today. When you factor in the low price of these then the EL34B Relic has no competition and really is a world beater.
The EL34B Relic construction features:
-Mullard Style Dual Horizontal anode slots
-Mullard Style Grey dual ribbed anode plate
- Solid single Disc getter
- Gold grid wires
- Copper grid posts
- A carbonized filament for more efficient thermal radiation
- Large coated cooling fins
- 25 watt Plate Dissipation
- Vintage Brown base with full 8 pins individually numbered
-Thick Heavy gauge glass with wide envelope
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