Tube Amp Doctor Cryo / ECC83/7025WA-TAD RT080-CRYO

ECC83/7025WA-TAD RT080-CRYO Click on image(s) above to view larger

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Watford Valves has Cryogenically treated some of the more popular and best sounding Tube Amp Doctor valves. This process makes a permanent change and the benefits do not deteriorate over time or upon return to operating temperature, it changes the whole way the vacuum tube performs. The biggest benefits I have found has been a dramatic improvement in dynamic range. Bass response has been clearer with reduction in microphonics. The soundstage is bigger with more detail with a big reduction in the noise floor. The really most starling fact has been how the valve operates under saturated and overdriven conditions in guitar amplifiers. The distortion is smoother with less hardness and is musically pleasing to the ear.
The TAD 7025 WA Cryo is a low noise version of the TAD ECC83 WA selected for use in demanding V1 position of high gain amplifiers.

The TAD 7025 WA features a triple mica construction to provide low microphonics in guitar amp application.

TAD have made this valve to replicate the Sovtek design with a few added tweaks. The Cryo Treated 7025 WA has a number of sonic advantages over the non-treated item.

The Cryo treatment transforms the top end of this valve giving it a nice open transparency and added bite. The valve breakup is clear and smooth with nearly all of the midrange mush being removed by the Cryo treatment.
This results in a cleaner response which is very nice in clean applications. In clean to overdriven mode the valve has a little fatter and clearer response which brings out far more detail in the sound.

This has a nice balance of attack and clarity and has a rich overdriven sound. This will work really well in Fenders and many hi gain pre amplifiers applications as the top ends is not to hard or harsh.

For especially demanding input stages of Hi gain amplifiers such as V1 in Mesa Boogies. I would recommend using the 7025 WA RT080 TAD Cryo as these have selected the lowest noise in critical positions.

This is an excellent new 7025 12AX7 and is very good choice if you want to tame some hard sounding amplifiers without sacrificing the gain. The Cryo treated version provides a lasting sonic improvement with more clarity and transparency.



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