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The Original Genalex name was owned by the Marconi-Osram Valve Company with the Genalex in the name used in the U.S.A. The Gold Lion was a specially selected and factory tested version. The Sovtek Corporation has reintroduced these valves by producing a faithful reproduction of these classic valves made in Russia. These valves are factory selected and are close visual and sounding re makes of some of Gold Lions the best sounding valves.
Special Matched PairsThis is the Russian reissue of the famous Gold Lion ECC83/B759 valve. Original British made Gold Lion B759 are very rare and very expensive as they are considered to be one of the best ECC83 ever made.
The reissue Gold Lion ECC83/B759 recreates the sound signature of the original. This valve features 17 mm long plate anode and gold plated pins.
The valve is manufactured and selected to extremely tight specifications They exhibit a large detailed soundstage that is sought after by discerning audiophiles who demand the highest quality sound. The reissue Gold Lion ECC83/B759 recreates the sound signature of the original.
We offer these in Specially Selected Balanced triode sections in matched pairs use in High grade Compressors and Audio Phono and Pre Stages.
These Balanced preamp valves are Dynamically Drive tested under real working condition and are matched on dB gain. They also have passed the following tests:
Gain (db) Drive Tested
Transconductance (gm) Drive Tested
Output Drive Tested
Noise 1 (signal to noise)
Noise 2 (Aural)
Microphonics Test 1(Ambient)
Microphonic Test 2 (Shock)
Cathode Test
Grid Leakage Test