Genalex-Gold Lion RI / KT66-GOLD LION RE ISSUE

KT66-GOLD LION RE ISSUE KT66-GOLD LION RE ISSUE Click on image(s) above to view larger

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The Original Genalex name was owned by the Marconi-Osram Valve Company with the Genalex in the name used in the U.S.A. The Gold Lion was a specially selected and factory tested version. The Sovtek Corporation has reintroduced these valves by producing a faithful reproduction of these classic valves made in Russia. These valves are factory selected and are close visual and sounding re makes of some of Gold Lions the best sounding valves.
The Gold Lion KT66 re issue is a replica of the original UK made GEC KT66.The Gold Lion re issues have been created just like the original and offer exceptional performance and sound quality.

The Gold Lion KT66 offers a smooth natural midrange with clean and clear bass response.
The top end is very detailed and musical and they sound very lively. Overall this valve produces a beautifully balanced sound.

These are excellent in all audio power amplifiers especially good in the Quad 11 power amps.

These valves come in specially selected dual matched pairs and quads.



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