Orange Full Revalve Kits / Orange Rockerverb 50 MK1 Harma STR Philips 6V6GT Full Upgrade Kit
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All prices contained on this page are exclusive of VAT. This is currently charged at 20% and is payable by the UK only.
Orange amplifiers provide the classic Britsh valve amp sound.Since 1968 Orange designs have been very effective as they do not clutter the signal path with gimmicks they simply build amplifiers that are correctly designed and made.
These specially chosen full revalve upgrade kits are designed to help you get the best out of your Orange. We select these valves and supply these in special sets for Orange Owners.
Special offer 10% DiscountThese specially chosen full revalve upgrade kits are designed to help you get the best out of your Orange. We select these valves and supply these in special sets for Orange Owners.
The Harma ECC83 STR and the American Philip 6V6GT gives a huge improvement to the amps sound.
This combination provides major improvements in terms of a crystal clear top end with more extension and clarity when used clean. When pushing this amplifier into overdrive the valves combined characteristics provide a warm clear sound with excellent sustain with plenty of upper harmonics.
The Harma ECC83 STR is used in our Orange kits as it provides a warm sparkling clean sound that most players want from their amplifiers. The mid-range is very transparent which when changing pickup selection give a nice tonal variation which is lost in some other 6V6GT valves. The valve responds very well to pedals and crunches up without that harsh fuzzy tone.
A Philips NOS U.S.A made 6V6GT is used in the output stage as it produces a warm clear sound and very open sound with a smooth clear distortion. The Philips 6V6GT is used as no other 6V6GT supplies that sparkling clean sound and top end chime as well as this valve. That is why this valve is considered the bench mark when it comes to Fender style clarity. The valve also under distortion maintains the amps clarity and punch without going flabby and has a wonderfully smooth distorted character. It simply out classes the modern made 6V6GT without exception and is the best 6V6GT upgrade you can make.
The upgrade kit consists of 10 valves
3 Specially selected Harma ECC83 STR
1 Specially selected & balanced Harma ECC83 STR for the phase splitter.
2 Specially selected Harma ECC81 STR
4 Specially Selected & Matched Philips 6V6GT
Please note that this upgrade kit is for the valves only