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All prices contained on this page are exclusive of VAT. This is currently charged at 20% and is payable by the UK only.
The JJ factory was born out of the ashes of the former Tesla factory.
They currently make a range of High quality valves based on some of Tesla most famous designs.
Frame Grid Gold Pin The JJ E83CC is a new valve that uses the unique frame grid of the famous Czech made E83CC Tesla. The JJ E83CC Gold pin is a specially selected version with gold pins. This is the top of the range Audio valve with a unique you a frame grid construction.
The benefits of this design are that it offers a wider frequency response with greater top end detail and more definition. The more expensive production process results in a valve that is super quiet, musical and superbly balanced and therefore is a super audio valve.
In guitar amplifier applications the frame grid construction provides super low microphonics.
The high pitch ring when tapping a regular ECC83 type is replaced with a quiet Thud.
This is great in the V1 position of High gain amps or if you use a boost or drive pedal to get your drive tone as it completely gets rid of the mush and hardness.
The conclusion of our test was whatever your application high end audio, Studio equipment or guitar application this valve we can whole recommend.
An explanation of the Frame grid construction from a former valve production engineer
Standard construction of a ECC83 type is to take two vertical grid rods and wrap the grid wire around rods. The grid wire has to have a minimum strength and be of a certain minimum diameter to provide structure integrity.
Frame grid construction consists of a solid frame with the grid wire wrapped around the frame. The frame is a solid structure and so does not rely on the grid wire to provide structural integrity.
This allows the use of extremely thin grid wires with tighter turns and a closer distance between grid and cathode. The result is better high frequency performance and reduced internal microphonics.
Frame grid construction valves are more expensive to produce and require higher production skill and quality control. The only true frame grid ECC83 types was the German Telefunkens ECC803S and Czech Tesla E83CC
We offer two options:
1) Factory tested from the JJ factory
2) Balanced -matched triode sections for Phase splitter, Audio & Tube microphones
All JJ Balanced preamp valves are Dynamically Drive tested under real working condition have passed the following tests:
Gain (db) Drive Tested
Transconductance (gm) Drive Tested
Output Drive Tested
Noise 1 (signal to noise)
Noise 2 (Aural)
Microphonics Test 1(Ambient)
Microphonic Test 2 (Shock)
Cathode Test
Grid Leakage Test