Tung-Sol RI / ECC83/12AX7A-TUNG SOL RU Trade 10 pieces

ECC83/12AX7A-TUNG SOL RU Trade 10 pieces ECC83/12AX7A-TUNG SOL RU Trade 10 pieces Click on image(s) above to view larger

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The Tung-sol reissue valves are produced by the Sovtek Corporation to high standards at their reflector plant. These are recreations of some of the most popular Audio and guitar valves and they also produce some original designs under the Tung Sol name such as the KT120. These valve are used by original equipment manufactures the work over for their sound quality and reliability.
The Russian Tung Sol ECC83/12AX7 is a remake of the classic designed 12AX7 from the early 1960s. The valve displays a clear and open sound across the musical spectrum and has a top end response which has nice treble clarity. The midrange has that classic vintage warm rounded sound which makes it excellent for many styles of music.

It is a good choice in all pre-amp stages including the V1 position and is the Ideal valve to warm up a high gain or fizzy sounding amplifier. The Tung sol is warm and musical with a solid rigid construction making it a good choice in all applications.

Here you get 10 pieces of 12AX7A Tung sol @ £24.50 each making a total of £ 245.00



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