Orange Full Revalve Kits / Orange AD140 Classic EL34 Retro Full Upgrade Kit

Orange AD140 Classic EL34 Retro Full Upgrade Kit Orange AD140 Classic EL34 Retro Full Upgrade Kit Click on image(s) above to view larger

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Orange amplifiers provide the classic Britsh valve amp sound.Since 1968 Orange designs have been very effective as they do not clutter the signal path with gimmicks they simply build amplifiers that are correctly designed and made.

These specially chosen full revalve upgrade kits are designed to help you get the best out of your Orange. We select these valves and supply these in special sets for Orange Owners.
Orange AD140 Classic Retro EL34 full revalve upgrade kit is designed to give you as close to the old Mullard tone with a crunchy more biting modern edge.

The Harma ECC83 Retros provide harmonically rich 3D midrange warmth and a huge sustaining overdriven tone. The outstanding feature of this valve is it smooth linear midrange response and extended frequency response so you get smooth warm overdrive with tight fat punchy lows.

The Harma EL34-Retro is based on the famous Mullard EL34 XF2 design and has a number of important features over standard EL34 types.

The grids of the tube use a block construction this enables the valve to provide smoother output and eliminating odd order harmonics. The result is a tight bass response with a balanced sound stage and clean clear treble.

Thicker glass not only adds strength but also provides lower microphonics. The valve has a slight midrange forwardness giving the sound a full rounded tone when distorted or overdriven.

The Harma EL34 Retro will suit the vast majority of guitarists from the classic rock player, the hard rock and metal player who want that classic Orange sound. The EL34 Harma Retro has also attained a 5 star review in Guitar Buyer magazine therefore making this the ideal Upgrade

The kit consists of 8 valves

2 Specially Selected Harma ECC83 Retro
2 Specially Selected & Balanced Harma ECC83 Retro for the phase splitter.
4 Specially Selected Harma EL34 Retro in a matched Quad

Please note that this is the valves only



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