Tesla / EZ81-TESLA
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The Quality of this valve was very high and therefore many companies used these as their own branded product. The valve provides excellent consistent rectification and therefore does not sag poorly like some modern made EZ81.The Tesla EZ81 rivals Mullard at a lower price and therefore is an excellent choice for use in high end audio or in the demanding environments encountered in guitar amplifiers such as Marshall and Vox.
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Tesla started production in 1922 under its original name of Radioslavia Ltd in Czechoslovakia.
It has a long history of manufacturing high quality transmitting valves and defense equipment.
The Tesla factory was known for making some outstanding valves. The Original EL34 better in terms of microphonics and reliability than the famous Mullard EL34, hence Marshall used the Tesla EL34 from the mid 1970’s onwards. The frame grid E83CC was due to its construction the most expensive of it type to produce. Still to this day it is one of the best sounding ECC83/12AX7 types ever made. These are just a few of an endless list of pioneering valves produced by this great Czechoslovakian factory that sadly is no longer with us.
Original Tesla EZ81 Rectifier is a very high quality rectifier valve item with long life expectancy. The valve features a strong internal supported anode plates and was made with very tight quality control on electrical characteristics.The Quality of this valve was very high and therefore many companies used these as their own branded product. The valve provides excellent consistent rectification and therefore does not sag poorly like some modern made EZ81.The Tesla EZ81 rivals Mullard at a lower price and therefore is an excellent choice for use in high end audio or in the demanding environments encountered in guitar amplifiers such as Marshall and Vox.
ECC83/ECC83S-JJ TESLA Trade 40 pieces
The JJ TESLA ECC83S has become one of the most popular ECC83 12AX7 types currently made for both our trade and retail ...
£640.00£432.00 -
ECC83/ECC83S-JJ TESLA Trade 20 pieces
The JJ TESLA ECC83S has become one of the most popular ECC83 12AX7 types currently made for both our trade and retail ...
£320.00£272.00 -
JJ GZ34 design is based on the early Mullard GZ34 that has the lager plate construction with straight edge plates.The ...
£25.00£22.50 -
Special Offer
The JJ 5Y3S is a modern designed rectifier that is a replacement for the classic American made ...
£22.50£19.00 - 5U4GB-JJ TESLA£
22.50£18.00 - JJ Tesla Trade Deale£
1,596.50£1,316.50 - Elixir 16550 Nickel £