Mesa Boogie Full Revalve Kits / Mesa Triple Rectifier STR Groove Tube 6L6GC GE Full Upgrade Kit

Mesa Triple Rectifier STR Groove Tube 6L6GC GE Full Upgrade Kit Mesa Triple Rectifier STR Groove Tube 6L6GC GE Full Upgrade Kit Click on image(s) above to view larger

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These are specially selected full revalve kits for Mesa Boogie owners. The sets consist of specially position selected pre amp valves that have been selected for each position in your Mesa. We have 2 pre amp kits, Standard gain, to give a warm and fat overdrive and Our Classic kit provides boogie owners with a valve close in tone to the vintage Mullard ECC83. In terms of 6L6GC we have selected sets available that will work with the boogies fixed bias arrangement. Certain 6L6GC will be better for certain kinds of music and these we have indicated in our product description.
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This full revalve kit consists of a standard gain Harma STR Pre amp kit combined with the GT 6L6GC GE reissue output valves and a set of USA made 5U4GB rectifiers.

The Harma ECC83 STR is used as it has a number of advantages over other 12AX7 types such as reduced microphonics and better isolation from vibration. This is particularly useful in combo applications. The valve is very well balanced with nice even bass which has plenty of depth. The mid-range is clean and transparent which removes the mush and fizz that happens when Boogies are overdriven.

The Groove Tubes 6L6GC GE Re issue is a faithful recreation of General Electric later type clear top 6L6GC. This is one, if not the best sounding current 6L6GC in Mesa amplifiers.

We have chosen this valve as it has the right balance of clarity and distortion when pushed hard. In clean mode, this valve provides a warm smooth sound with a very clean and open treble and is a faithful reproduction of the original GE tone. In overdriven mode the valve has the right balance in terms of clarity and crunchy dynamic attack producing a clear creamy warm sustain. The GT 6L6GC GE delivers really tight focus rhythm voicings which cut through the mix.

The brilliant bell like highs and warm singing overdrive gives the player an unprecedented degree of dynamic control. No Fizz no mush just classic Boogie tone. Whether your music is Metal or Rock country or clean these cover all musical styles superbly.

In many users opinion the Jan 5U4GB was the best of its type. The valve features a ruggedised vibration proof box anode construction, Top and side getter to ensure that gas free evacuation was achieved and to maintain the vacuum at its best. The valve has high grade filament isolation so even after long periods of use the filament will not degrade.

The valve also has a higher current capacity than a 5U4G so is many players choice is Mesa Boogie Dual and Triple rectifiers.

The kit consists of 14 valves.

4 Specially Selected Harma ECC83 STR for position V1 toV4
1 Specially Selected & Balanced Harma ECC83 STR for V5
6 Specially Selected Groove Tubes 6L6GC GE in a matched sextet
3 Specially Selected Philips USA 5U4GB

Please note that this kit is for the valves only



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